
    MID SOUTH LAND DEVELOPMENTS believes that we are accountable to provide a healthy and safe working environment for our employees, contractors, subcontractors and everyone involved. To fulfill our obligation, we have set workplace standards for Health and Safety based on the following philosophies;

    ● the health & safety of our employees, contractors and the environment is an important

    element in the success of our business

    ● our “Health & Safety Program” will be used to ensure that workplace incidents and their severity are controlled

    ● management, employees and contractors must be PRO-ACTIVE in workplace Health & Safety; and

    ● safety is cost effective

    Furthermore, through the implementation and maintenance of our health and safety program,

    we will ensue the;

    ● establishment of workplace standards that meet and/or exceed the minimum requirements established in the Occupational Health & Safety Act and the relevant Regulations (Construction, Industrial, WHMIS, etc.)

    ● monitoring, compliance with established and legislated safe operating procedures through workplace inspections and follow-up of unsafe conditions or work practices.

    ● control of loss through investigation and analysis of workplace incidents and the implementation of corrective measures to prevent recurrence.

    ● evaluation of supervisors and contractors in their ability to ensure Health & Safety standards are maintained in accordance with site policies and/or legislative requirements.

    ● disciplinary measures necessary to reinforce our policy with contractors who willfully disregard health and safety requirements.

    We at MID SOUTH LAND DEVELOPMENTS CORP. believe that together with our

    contractors, Subcontractors and their employees, we can work together and make our

    workplace a safe one!